
When I was a baby, my father named me after a writer, poet and political activist. He’s always said he knew from the beginning that I was meant to write. And he was correct. A lifelong bookworm, I majored in English and have made my living as a writer, editor, technical writer and marketing communications specialist.

But what I didn’t realize, is that I’m supposed to be politically active: speaking out, educating, leading… I’ve always had strong beliefs about politics, current events and the world around me.. but I’ve kept them to myself or my immediate family. Always afraid of rocking the boat, offending the other guy… you know, doing something that may be viewed as politically incorrect?

But guess what? I’m tired. Tired of keeping my views to myself, tired of seeing liberals trying to destroy everything America stands for and I’m plain sick and tired of seeing the media screwing with everyone…but particularly the African-Americans. Race baiting, fake political movements, media programming, astro-turfing, sock puppets… The media and the liberals can’t decide which agenda to stick with: creating a race war, programming people to be self-destructive victims or breaking down the family unit. All I know is, it’s time somebody stood up and said: We know what you’re doing, and we’re not taking it anymore!

And while you can find many intelligent, courageous souls of all colors, ethnicities, cultures and nationalities blogging and vlogging about what’s really going on in the world, there are still way too many people (especially black folk) who need to wake up.

I think it’s about time I gave my two cents.

My name is Nikki Gee, ya’ll.