Fear And Loathing In America

The race-baiting and fear-mongering of the Obama administration and Democrat party in the last eight years has driven a large wedge between Americans who define themselves by the political party or movement they associate with the most. Opinions on how the government should provide new rights and protections for the LGBTQ population raged and divided America by design. And the media’s promotion of a race war for fun and profit was downright creepy. African-Americans and Caucasians have been pushed farther apart with more reminders of the Civil War, slavery and cultural differences based on skin color. These topics (among others) have been major political issues in the US, pushing citizens equally to the left and political right.

Gender Politics And Race Baiting

Interestingly enough, a 2012 Gallup poll found that only 3.8% of the US population describes themselves as gay or transgender. Why all the fuss for such a small, silent faction of the population? Why have liberal factions of our government created numerous new laws on the national and federal levels, making LGBTQ issues a priority in previous elections?

Based on the media, the average American believes one in every four US citizens is a member of the LGBGTQ community.

The Gallup poll found that Americans consistently overestimate the percentage of LGBTQ Americans, assuming that they are twenty to twenty-five percent of the population, and that is probably because the media and liberal politicians have exaggerated the numbers of this group, their presence in television and film in pursuit of diversity and the abundance of related political activity required to protect this group. Why have the media worked to give the impression that there are more identifiers of the LGBTQ community than there really are?

“If we’re going to discuss minorities in need of special protections, legislation and increased media presence, let’s talk Native Americans.”

The 2010 U.S. census documented that 1.6% of Americans identified as Native American or partially descendant. If the media and liberal politicians really wanted to help empower and protect a teeny-tiny minority of the American populace, why not choose a group that could use and deserve more attention from politicians and the media? Native Americans are more likely to drop out of high school, suffer from alcohol abuse and live below the poverty level. So why aren’t liberal political activists doing something about this? Petitions are flying around, men and women are protesting and Tweets are flying so that men who wear dresses can pee in the women’s bathroom… is this seriously the most important issue of the day?

Because of the success of the homosexual agenda in the film and television industry there is at least one one gay character, one homosexual plot in every production. Doesn’t matter if it’s pirates, a gay butler on Downton Abbey or rappers in AmericaHave you noticed?  2016 report on diversity stated that Native Americans appeared in 0% of film and television, while  a GLAAD report declared that 6 percent of films released in 2014 featured at least one homosexual, lesbian, or bisexual character. Why the disparity between one group that has every right to make demands of the government and the media, and a group who believes that gender is fluid (despite that concrete DNA nonsense) that has been unnecessarily brought to the forefront of the world’s stage for political agendas.

Executive Order 11246

The Executive Order 11246 provides federal protection based on race, creed, color, or national origin. The  Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 protects the employment rights of and members of the United States military forces. Whether an American identifies as gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender or queer their rights are protected as a man, woman, civilian, veteran, nationality or any color or practitioner of any religion. Did this 3.8% of the population really need additional discrimination protections based on sexual orientation when they already had it based on their gender, civilian-status, color, race, nationality and religion-preference?

“I became a conservative because I was tired of watching liberals toy with African-Americans.”

Mainstream media told Americans that LGBTQ issues were an important civil rights issue akin to African-Americans and their civil rights movement of the 60’s and 70’s, though a group who wants to have sexual and romantic relations with the same sex, have nothing in common with the descendants of African slaves who have faced discrimination and prejudice because of the color of their skin and texture of their hair. But many Americans believed this lie. The homosexual agenda prayed on the best tendency of Americans to be liberal and tolerant in the historical tradition of the great American melting pot, even though this agenda had nothing to do with accepting men, women and children from different countries onto our shores.

Americans were shamed when they voiced skepticism and opinions contrary to what the main stream media wanted everyone to think about homosexuals, their participation in the military, their right to same-sex marriage and their right to pick and choose their bathroom. American optimism and idealism was humiliated into passive acceptance of behavior that was considered a mental condition until 1974. Can you guess what happened in 1974 to precipitate this change? Nothing, except gay political activists wanted it changed, so the American Psychiatrist Association voted on the change to save face.

“Black Lives Matter is one of the most insidious attempts to cash in on victim culture, minority social programming and race baiting for political advantage.”

Do you remember exactly when you went from thinking homosexual behavior was odd to perfectly normal, something to be protected and celebrated as diversity? Or maybe you never made that transition. Maybe that was the day you switched from the Democrat to the Republican party? Maybe that was the day you decided you had more in common with conservative values and traditions? Coming from a family of lifelong Dems, this issue was one of three that compelled me to join and become active with the Republican party.

Orange Is Not The New Black. Fake Political Movements Are The New Black

Many Americans are not aware that  corporate and government entities in the US have a long history of creating  or infiltrating existing political and grass root movements for their own nefarious purposes.

The most recent example, Black Lives Matter is one of the most insidious attempts to cash in on victim culture, minority social programming and race baiting for political advantage. Can you guess which political party is behind this movement? It’s not the conservatives. While many African-Americans recognize this organization as not being an organic creation of their  community and the leaders of the movement not authentic, the promotion and glorification of victim culture by popular African-American artists like Beyonce make it hard to deny for many susceptible to media influence. Purposely confuse empowerment with militancy with ethnic pride, add a steady diet of radio, film and television programming that reminds the African-American that you are victims of an age-old crime that will never end, and  oh yes, the police hate you… you have the perfect recipe for boiling racial tensions.

The blatant manipulation of the African-American race by the liberal mainstream media, the Democratic politicians and Obama administration fairly pushed me to the right. As an African-American woman, I do not appreciate the race-baiting, the fear mongering and the assumption that African-Americans are ignorant, gullible creatures that will accept whatever images and messages the media decides to feed us. I became a conservative because I was tired of watching liberals toy with African-Americans.

Many African-Americans and liberals will think this statement is ironic, since the conservative movement is not generally identified with minority groups, but that’s just the messaging from the left. It doesn’t take much digging on the Internet (or just read a book) to discover that the Democrat part is interested in keeping minority groups oppressed and identifying as victims, while the Republican party seeks to help those same groups pull themselves up by the proverbial bootstraps.

Inciting negativity, reaffirming racial differences and stoking fear has been a winning strategy for the political left. Awareness of these tactics as actual political strategy is only the first step.

Are you aware yet?

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